Clinical Hypnotherapist | Master NLP Practitioner | Advanced BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® Practitioner | OldPain2Go® Practitioner | mBIT Coach
Stress and stress related problems are on the increase. Stress is taken for granted these days as “part of life,” and while there is such a thing as “healthy” stress, which helps and motivates us, most of our stress can become chronic, damaging and unhealthy. Long term stress can take a huge toll on our overall sense of well-being both mentally, emotionally and physically.
As human beings we are all primed for survival so anything that starts to be perceived as a threat (real or imagined) will change our physiology and create a stress response. Your genes, environment and all of your past experiences influence how you respond and perceive any situation. A stress response can only start through your thought processes and perceptions, either conscious or unconscious. Many things can cause us to feel stressed: our health or the health of others we care about, relationships, education, responsibilities, work, life events and the successes and failures, and our sense of ourselves.
The good news is that you CAN change this pattern if you want to! Hypnotherapy is highly effective treatment in accessing the root cause of stress, worry and anxiety responses. In a wonderful and deeply relaxed hypnotic state the unconscious is very susceptible to change and positive suggestion. Hypnotherapy can help in raising self-confidence and self-esteem, helping you to build a stronger and more rational perspective towards a situation, a thing, a person, or yourself.
Common symptoms of stress:
- Aches and pains in the body
- Increased tiredness and fatigue
- Diarrhoea or constipation, bowel problems
- Gut problems
- Nausea, dizziness, vertigo
- Chest pain, rapid heartbeat, pounding of the heart
- Loss of sex drive
- Frequent colds/infections
- Increased headaches
- Increased skin problems
- Menstrual irregularity
- General Moodiness
- Irritability or short temper
- Agitation, anger and the inability to relax
- Feeling overwhelmed with life
- Feeling lonely and isolated
- Depression or general unhappiness
- Eating more or less
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Isolating yourself from others
- Procrastinating or neglecting life’s
- Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax,
or in excess
- Nervous habits
- Poor concentration
- Trouble making decisions
- Negative outlook on life
- Anxious or racing thoughts: “Tired but wired”
- Constant worrying
- Forgetfulness